Ipak je moja zona komfora kada sam u suknji ili haljini, sto to recimo nije bio slucaj do pre par godina. Sve se menja pa tako i nas nacin...

My dear it's time for a new post, this time I decided to write about what you have not read the blog and I know you love to read these...

My dear it's time for a new post, this time I am writing to you on the website of which you have never had the opportunity to read the...

My dear, it's time to write another post for you and I think you'll like it. I know how much you love to read these posts so I...

Doslo je vreme za prvi outfit post u Novoj godini. Jako sam srecna sto smo poglavlje iz prethodne godine zatvorili i zakoracili u 2020toj....

Dear girls, it's time for another new post,  this time I am writing to you about something really like to read and that's makeup. ...

My dear it's time for a new post, and the first in this year, I know how you love to read them, so I decided to write them for you. In...

My dear it's time for a new post and I'm glad I can write about something that you like to write. You know yourself how important...